This Document is not a Prospectus. This document does not constitute nor imply a prospectus of any sort. No wording contained herein should be construed as a solicitation for investment. Accordingly, this whitepaper does not pertain in any way to an offering of securities in any jurisdiction worldwide whatsoever. Rather, this whitepaper constitutes a technical description of the functionality of the Trusted Node initiative and the development and deployment of the Tursted Node platform.
The information in this document is given in good faith, but no warranties, guarantees or representations are made by Trusted Node with regard to the accuracy, completeness or suitability of the information presented. Trusted Node expressly disclaims any and all responsibility, and Recipients expressly waive any claim, for any direct or consequential loss or damages of any kind whatsoever (whether foreseeable or not) arising directly or indirectly from: (i) reliance on any information contained in this document or any information which is made available in connection with any further inquiries, (ii) any error, omission, or inaccuracy in any such information, (iii) any action resulting therefrom or (iv) usage or acquisition of products. This disclaimer applies notwithstanding any negligence, default or lack of care. The Company may update, modify or correct this document in its sole discretion, without notice or incurring any obligation or liability to any recipient hereof. This document is strictly confidential and intended to be viewed exclusively by those recipients (“Recipient(s)”) specifically authorized by the Company. This document shall not bind, convey any rights, obligations, terms, performance, covenants, representations or warranties on behalf of the Company to Recipient, or create any relationship between the Company and any Recipient or any other party.
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